Bupa Appointments app
An App that allow you to book, modify and cancel appointments within a few taps
The reason of the project was to come up with a solution for medical patients to book appointments for medical specialties.
Defining the problem
Users using and paying for private insurance often have an easier access to specialties, but the journey members go through to succeed on booking an appointment with a specialist can be excessively long, bureaucratic and complex. The current process does not align with people fast-paced dynamics anylonger.
Proposal of Solution
Provide Bupa members with an app that will allow them to:
Book appointments for different specialities
Cancel an modify appointments
Receive authorisation codes (required)
Objectives & Goals
To test whether users find easier to book through the app than by calling over phone.
To test whether clients would see the app useful to book appointments for specialities
Whether patients would be willing to pay a premium rate to have this appointment booking service.
Other Business models within Bupa
Age of Bupa UK members:
User feedback
User Personas
Use Cases
Feature Set
Service Blueprint
Low fidelity wireframes
Dashboard & First booking screens
Search criteria scenarios
Process after search criteria chosen
My appointments: Cancel & Modify bookings
My preauthorizations & profile
High fidelity wireframes
This is an inspirational project.